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Review Policy


     **I'm not currently accepting any new submissions**

Hello and thanks for checking out my review policy. My time is precious to me, as I’m sure yours is to you, so if you have a book that you would like me to review please take a few minutes to read this page first and take a look around my blog. Personalised requests that come from people who have clearly spent time browsing through my site are always appreciated, and are taken more seriously than generic requests.

Reviewing books is a hobby for me. All my reviews are my own opinions and I do not ask for payment for any review, nor am I part of any affiliate program. (A note to authors – you should NEVER have to pay a book blogger for a review – there are a few that may ask you for a review fee but my advice would be to find someone else – most book bloggers review for FREE for the #booklove). My reviews are never biased and are totally honest. I will never give a book a biased review based on the fact that I received it for free.

All of my reviews are posted on Amazon (both UK and US), Goodreads and links to reviews on my blog are posted on my blog’s Facebook page and Twitter. You can find links to my FB page and Twitter on my connect/contact me page here on my blog. While I love connecting with both authors and publishers via these platforms please don’t use them as a way to request a review or feature as I only respond to requests via email – details of which can be found at the end of this policy.

I have an eclectic taste in books and I enjoy reading the genres below:

Psychological thrillers
Women’s contemporary and popular fiction
Historical fiction

I do occasionally read YA, horror and paranormal but it very much depends on the story.

I don’t read science-fiction, fantasy, zombie, vampire or erotica so please don’t ask me to review these genres as sadly your request will be ignored.

 I am happy to accept both e-books (mobi files only) and physical copies from both publishers and authors (including Indies and self-published).

Acceptance of a book does not guarantee a review. We've all started books that we liked the sound of but then turn out to be not quite what we were expecting and for that reason if I don't finish or don’t enjoy a book I won't post a review.

Although I cannot guarantee how quickly I will read and review your book, if you have a particular date in mind then please let me know as soon as possible and I will certainly try and accommodate your request.

I am also happy to do guest posts as part of my ongoing “The Hippo Hands Over” and "The Hippo Hangs Out" features (which you will have seen whilst looking around my blog!😉 ) If you’d like to take part in either of these features please contact me in the usual way using the heading The Hippo Hands Over or The Hippo Hangs Out guest feature. All content for these features must be exclusive and not reproduced on any other blogs or websites.

I also enjoy taking part in blog tours (both review and content) and cover reveals, but I do require a minimum of six weeks’ notice.  If, for whatever reason, the book or content isn’t received within this time frame I will not be held responsible.

I work hard on my reviews and take the issue of copyright very seriously. Please do not copy any of my posts without my written permission. That said I’m more than happy for authors/publishers to use a quote from my review for their book/website etc. as long as you credit ‘The Haphazardous Hippo’ but would appreciate notification if you do this (just so that I can do a little happy dance and then rush out and buy a copy for my special shelf!)

Still here? Great! If after reading this you’d like to get in touch to tell me all about your fabulous book you can contact me at hazardoushippo (at) mail (dot) com and include the details below:

Book blurb 

Genre of the book

A cover picture

A link to your website or other relevant social media accounts

 A paragraph describing what is unique or interesting about the book and why I would be interested in reviewing it

The publication date, if not already published

                               *    *    *    *

If you have any other questions then please feel free to get in touch.

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon!

Neats x


  1. Fabulous policy and crystal clear 😘


    1. Thanks Lainy. I've been meaning to update this for a while now so pleased that I finally got around to it.

  2. You have a great website. I hope to contact you in the future when you are re-opened for book reviews. My first novel is being published in August.
    Meanwhile I'm lucky enough to be visiting South Africa for the first time next January.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and taking some time to have a wander around my blog Carol. Good luck with your debut novel next month, it must be an exciting time for you. As for your trip to South Africa. . . I hope you love it there as much as I did and that you make lots of wonderful memories! 😀

  3. It's great that you support Indie authors. x

  4. Thanks for stopping by Alison. Since I started my blog I've read some amazing books by Indie authors, so it's a pleasure to help them spread the word about their books. 😉
