As a book blogger whenever an author follows me on Twitter, the first thing I do is go and take a look at their book/books, well come on, you wouldn't expect anything else from me would you?
So when author CBX Martin very kindly followed me I went straight to their profile and saw the little cutie on the book cover above. My next stop? Well to find out more about Bob the Dog: The Memoirs of Evil Bob Terrier naturally and here's what I found:
A terrier, an industrial estate, two strangers. Lives collide.
The surprising memoirs of a devilishly-handsome dog.
You’ve read fluffy tales written by humans about how a dog helped them with this or that nonsense.
Well, this is my tail, oops, tale, setting things straight from my perspective. You humans are just food providers and pooh picker-uppers. Get over it. And get reading my true story.
The fun can start now: I’m here. Evil Bob - the self-service guru of life
This book contains profanity
‘Profanity’, of course there’s profanity - I’m a terrier! Evil Bob
Probably been said about Bob and his memoirs:
‘I don’t approve.’ A vet
‘I didn’t know a book could teach me so much.’ Ted, Jack Russell
‘Bob, he’s all action-packed-and-ready-to-go.’ Rich, mohican punk
‘He left me with eight pups, but I still love him.’ Daphne, saluki bitch
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Bob is a terrier who has clearly been living by his wits on an industrial estate and he's become an expert at stealing food from unsuspecting humans.
One day, however, he lets his guard down and ends up in a land rover with a couple called Ian and Josie, watching his comfortable life disappear out of sight, when all he wanted was a sausage roll!
Bob doesn't need the 'new home' that these humans keep banging on about, he was doing very well where he was, thank you very much and the sooner he can escape the better and he does make several attempts, some of which are more successful than others. He has lots of adventures and makes so many friends - and a few enemies along the way.
Bob made me laugh out loud and I can honestly say I didn't want this book to end. Author CBX Martin is very obviously a dog lover and to write a book completely from a dog's perspective is not only a clever idea, it's executed perfectly. Bob is a four legged, furry fiend and as I was reading I was right there inside his head. I could feel his fear when he was unexpectedly taken to the vet's and no-one had the decency to tell him why he was going there, I could feel his frustration at not being able to get hold of the cat that was parading up and down his fence, taunting him, as well as his annoyance with the 'fluffy windbag' of a dog next door who was an easy target to wind up and who was of course asking to be bitten - after all Bob was only protecting his loved ones!
If you have a dog and find yourself often wondering why they do a particular thing, then Bob can probably provide you with some answers, or at least a little insight into their thought process.
Bob the Dog: The Memoirs of Evil Bob Terrier is a unique, original and heart-warming tale - or 'tail' to quote Bob himself - and an absolute gem of a book that I honestly can't recommend highly enough, not only to dog owners, but to everyone who loves dogs. It will make you laugh and it may even bring a tear to your eye and a lump to your throat. Everyone needs a little Bob in their life and I'm sure that he'd love to meet you - you might have a spare sausage roll!
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I'm absolutely delighted that CBX Martin has taken some time out of their busy schedule to hang out with me today and I'd like to welcome them to The Hippo.
Author bio
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Photo courtesy of CBX Martin |
As a person, I’m no more fascinating than anyone else, it’s my characters and my writing which hold interest - I hope. I love dogs, obviously, and most animals. I have a need for motorised speed and satisfy that need by watching motorsport. If reincarnation isn’t a myth, I’ll move heaven and earth to get my fingers on an F1 steering wheel in the next life. Knowing my luck, I’ll probably have to settle for racing stock cars instead - but that would still be thrilling. My main driving force in this life, however, is a need to write and I hope it always will be. I’m absolutely delighted to be sharing Evil Bob Terrier’s true story with readers.
What’s your favourite under-appreciated writer/book?
While he’s very popular in some circles, mention the name Saki to many people and you’ll get a blank look. He should be as well-known as P G Wodehouse, whom he preceded. Saki was the pen name of H H Munro, and, while the adopted name is not a twist on the word sarcastic, it would be sweetly appropriate if it was: Saki’s writing is frozen acid. Brilliant, sharp, witty prose all succinctly dropped into short stories. They are laugh-out-loud-or-I’m-going-to-choke funny. One of the best lines, which I often think of in relation to my own attire, is a description of a character’s home-made, and presumably very dowdy, dress: ‘made at home and repented at leisure’. How many times have I repented a choice of outfit, even if not home-made? Well, too many times to admit. Another favourite story of his features an ‘unrest-cure’. I won’t spoil your delight at reading that, but, trust me, it’s a gem. Another semi-well-known writer is Stevie Smith. In her poetry, she shared something of Saki’s bleakness and joy. Well worth seeking out.
While he’s very popular in some circles, mention the name Saki to many people and you’ll get a blank look. He should be as well-known as P G Wodehouse, whom he preceded. Saki was the pen name of H H Munro, and, while the adopted name is not a twist on the word sarcastic, it would be sweetly appropriate if it was: Saki’s writing is frozen acid. Brilliant, sharp, witty prose all succinctly dropped into short stories. They are laugh-out-loud-or-I’m-going-to-choke funny. One of the best lines, which I often think of in relation to my own attire, is a description of a character’s home-made, and presumably very dowdy, dress: ‘made at home and repented at leisure’. How many times have I repented a choice of outfit, even if not home-made? Well, too many times to admit. Another favourite story of his features an ‘unrest-cure’. I won’t spoil your delight at reading that, but, trust me, it’s a gem. Another semi-well-known writer is Stevie Smith. In her poetry, she shared something of Saki’s bleakness and joy. Well worth seeking out.
What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?
I don’t know if it’s ‘interesting’ or not, or even a quirk, but I can, and do, write pretty much anywhere if the mood takes me. Sometimes, something comes to mind and I just have to put it on paper. So, I’ve written scraps of notes, chapters, character outlines, etc, on crowded trains, in the car (while someone else is driving!), in waiting rooms - any old place will do. If the thoughts come, a writer just has to give in to them - within reason. If I’m driving, I just have to ignore them and concentrate on the job in hand.
I don’t know if it’s ‘interesting’ or not, or even a quirk, but I can, and do, write pretty much anywhere if the mood takes me. Sometimes, something comes to mind and I just have to put it on paper. So, I’ve written scraps of notes, chapters, character outlines, etc, on crowded trains, in the car (while someone else is driving!), in waiting rooms - any old place will do. If the thoughts come, a writer just has to give in to them - within reason. If I’m driving, I just have to ignore them and concentrate on the job in hand.
What’s your favourite motivational phrase?
It basically goes something like, ‘OMG, there’s another bill to pay, I need to make some money!’ A common problem, I know, but one which strongly motivates me.
It basically goes something like, ‘OMG, there’s another bill to pay, I need to make some money!’ A common problem, I know, but one which strongly motivates me.
Which literary character is most like you?
I’d love to say Cathy in Wuthering Heights, but that would be ridiculous: I’m probably more like Nelly Dean. As I like to tell the stories of others, Nelly would be the most appropriate character. And I’m certainly not in the least bit like Cathy! Or I could be a cross between Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect (in female form), from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Both have imperfect clothing; Ford is adventurous - hopping from planet to planet - yet tame; ordinary Arthur has inter-planetary adventure thrust upon him, but bravely makes the best of it - in his dressing gown. I’d like to think I sit somewhere between those two characters. And my dress sense is little better.
I’d love to say Cathy in Wuthering Heights, but that would be ridiculous: I’m probably more like Nelly Dean. As I like to tell the stories of others, Nelly would be the most appropriate character. And I’m certainly not in the least bit like Cathy! Or I could be a cross between Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect (in female form), from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Both have imperfect clothing; Ford is adventurous - hopping from planet to planet - yet tame; ordinary Arthur has inter-planetary adventure thrust upon him, but bravely makes the best of it - in his dressing gown. I’d like to think I sit somewhere between those two characters. And my dress sense is little better.
You get a brilliant idea/thought/phrase at an inappropriate moment (eg in the shower or driving) what do you do?
See above: I write anywhere. But when the inspiration strikes at a silly time, such as in the shower, I just have to keep the thought active in my mind - determinedly not thinking of anything else - until I can get to civilisation, otherwise known as pen and paper.
See above: I write anywhere. But when the inspiration strikes at a silly time, such as in the shower, I just have to keep the thought active in my mind - determinedly not thinking of anything else - until I can get to civilisation, otherwise known as pen and paper.
What advice would you give your younger self?
For pity’s sake, forget all about writing: it’s so hard to make a living. Get a nice job sweeping the streets, or something - there’s more security (people always need streets and like to drop lots of stuff on them) and it probably comes with a pension.
For pity’s sake, forget all about writing: it’s so hard to make a living. Get a nice job sweeping the streets, or something - there’s more security (people always need streets and like to drop lots of stuff on them) and it probably comes with a pension.
Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing etc come from?
Where did my love of storytelling come from? Presumably God given? In other words, I was born with a need to craft a story. Well before I could form words on a page, I would tell stories to my mum and dad, dog, aunties, basically anyone who would listen. Once I could write, I was in my element: composing poems and short stories. Even as a small child, I loved to get inside a character, to understand him or her, and convey my impressions of that hidden life, particularly in poetry.
Where did my love of storytelling come from? Presumably God given? In other words, I was born with a need to craft a story. Well before I could form words on a page, I would tell stories to my mum and dad, dog, aunties, basically anyone who would listen. Once I could write, I was in my element: composing poems and short stories. Even as a small child, I loved to get inside a character, to understand him or her, and convey my impressions of that hidden life, particularly in poetry.
Do you have any bad habits?
My life is full of them, so too numerous to list. My main bad habit is that I’m always trying to cram too much into each day, so I end up running late at times, or burning the candle at both ends - which is never good. I’ll try harder to change my ways.
My life is full of them, so too numerous to list. My main bad habit is that I’m always trying to cram too much into each day, so I end up running late at times, or burning the candle at both ends - which is never good. I’ll try harder to change my ways.
Thank you Neats for inviting me to feature here - I’ve enjoyed answering the questions: it’s been fun. Thank you, everyone else, for taking the time to read my post and I hope you’ll enjoy reading Bob’s book.
Thank you so much for stopping by today, it’s been great chatting to you and I wish you lots of luck with your wonderful book.
You can find out more about CBX Martin and connect with them using the links below:
This sounds fabulous! Despite being a cat person, I have tip-toed over to the dark side and ordered a copy. I look forward to reading it.
ReplyDeleteHuge thanks, but just don't let your cats know!
Just want to say how absolutely delighted I am to receive such a wonderful review for Bob the Dog: The Memoirs of Evil Bob Terrier. It has not made my day, it has made my year. Bloggers and other reviewers are the foundation stones which support writers. Without bloggers and other reviewers, writers would be lost.
ReplyDeleteHuge thanks,
C B X Martin
It was my pleasure lovely and this is exactly why I love being a book blogger. Sharing the book love is something that I'll never grow tired of doing!
DeleteAwww that's great to hear Kiltie. I promise not to tell anyone at Moggy Towers that you'll be temporarily switching loyalties! ��