Saturday, 4 July 2015

Follow You Home - Mark Edwards

I couldn't wait to read Follow You Home, the latest offering from author Mark Edwards and once again I wasn't disappointed.

Laura and Daniel are travelling on a night train in Romania when they meet a couple who will turn their lives upside down. It starts with them having their money and passports stolen and then being kicked off the train in the middle of nowhere. When they venture into a forest something literally unspeakable happens.

The next thing you know is that they have somehow managed to get home to London but things between the couple have turned sour and they are no longer together. It all links back to their time in Romania but neither of them are willing to talk to anyone about their experience. When strange things start to happen to them both they are forced to confront their demons with terrifying consequences.

I can't really say too much about the plot as I don't want to give anything away and spoil anyone's enjoyment of this great book. What I will say is that the writing is once again superb and the character's are, as always, believable. Just when you think you know what's coming next there's another plot twist which is exactly what happens right at the end of the book. You only have a few pages left to read, the story has reached it's conclusion, the remaining pages must surely just be the epilogue, but oh no, you're suddenly hit with another fantastic plot twist that I for one certainly didn't see coming. Mark Edwards I applaud you, each book you write is better than the last and your  writing is like a spider web, slowly and intricately weaved and once you get your reader hooked you don't let you go.

If you haven't read any of  this author's books and you like your psychological thrillers dark then I suggest you get your hands on a copy of this or any of his back catalogue.


  1. Uh-oh I've done it again and I've got another one to wish list. Fantastic review as always Neats. Keep it up and I for one love reading your reviews. Can't wait for the next one.

    1. Thanks Bev. It's nice to know that you enjoy my blog and that my reviews are helping you to keep your wish list growing nicely :)

  2. I found your blog through Goodreads, it's really cool! New follower via bloglovin', please check out my blog and follow back :D

    1. Thanks for stopping by and even bigger thanks for following me Carrie. I'll be dropping by your blog later :)
